Thursday, February 14, 2008

Parivartan 2008 Event Schedule

Parivartan 2008 Etymology

The D day has come finally. After about 6 months of hard work done by the Parivartan team and the various volunteers, the Curtains will finally fall and the DMS, IIT Delhi B Fest will be flagged off. The event will finally be worth the wait.

So, what exactly is different about Parivartan? Who needs change? How is change brought about? And is change a journey? What exactly do we mean by the Celestial Odyssey? I will try to answer the following questions in a way that can be understood by all.

Little drops make an ocean. Single people Make a nation. Earning peanuts can make you rich. So what does change bring about? Yes, its a Revolution. A single collapse of the Berlin Wall removed all sorts of geographical barriers and sparked the fire of globalisation, and look where the world is now. So what the students of DMS are aiming at is to bring about a revolution of sorts, and this is done by planting the seeds of change in the minds of all who visit DMS during the next couple of days, who are the future of this nation.

The process of change is a continuous process.The Greek Philosopher Heraclitus espoused this fact in his now famous statement 'The only thing that is constant in this world is change'. This fact has been recognised by Management Gurus worldwide and Change Management is a subject in itself.

DMS sets really high standards across all its activities and that is the main reason we refer to this year's fest as the Celestial Odyssey. We set high goals, and do all that we can to attain those.

So, the story behind PARIVARTAN, in a few lines. 4 Hours to go!!!

Parivartan Ho Jaaye!! :)